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The Department of Philosophy at Whittier College aims to inspire and encourage worthwhile living. Whether you join the community as a traditional major, a major in applied philosophy, or as a minor, you are welcome to discover how diverse approaches to philosophy each show you how to begin to ask questions, alongside the disciplined thinkers of the age, as well as those from centuries and even two millennia ago, and across continents.

Through our traditional major and minor, students are introduced to classical philosophical issues while fostering critical skills. A second major – in applied philosophy - offers a solid grounding in philosophy together with a concentration in another discipline, allowing students to use their philosophical training to develop a deeper appreciation of the foundations, controversies, and larger significance of an area of interest outside philosophy.


David P. Hunt, Plato, free will, philosophy of religion
Paul Kjellberg, Asian and comparative philosophy
Michelle V. Switzer, Department Chair, Decolonial and eco-feminist philosophy, social and political philosophy

Areas of Study

Applied Philosophy

Eastern Philosophy

Chinese Philosophy