A book is a written or printed work consisting of pages that are sewn or glued together. With the advancements of technology, it could be an electronic book,, but it still is a printed work, making it a book still.
Before the use of books, there were many form which were use to mark down. There were scrolls, papyrus, ivory, and much more. The oldest and accepted form of a book dated back to 18th century B.C. written in ancient Samaria called "The Epic of Gilgamesh". The first of bounded books dates back to the 4th century of the first Bibles of the Christian church.
Uses in other disciplines
Since the course is the study of media, many sources will refer to the book as the first source of media used in society. Like the book "Critical Media Studies" when it goes over the different forms of media, it makes sure to go over books and its history.
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